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Climate Action

Climate change is quickly becoming the biggest threat to the long-term survival of America’s wildlife. The overwhelming majority of science suggests that our changing climate is due to the burning of fossil fuels over the last 200 years. The burning of coal, oil and gas has altered our planet's atmosphere, and has caused more greenhouse gas to build up in the atmosphere. As the atmosphere "thickens" with more greenhouse gas, more heat is held in. This process leads to changing weather patterns causing unpredictable and more severe weather events. This warming is also found in ocean temperatures, soil temperatures, melting glaciers, and melting polar ice caps. It has been linked to widespread impacts on ecosystems around the planet. The preponderance of evidence all points to the accepted scientific conclusion that our planet is warming, and natural systems are struggling to keep up.

Across all of Nevada, evidence of climate impacts is becoming more clear with each record breaking weather event. Nevadans are experiencing the worst drought in 1,200 years, and wildfires have become a year round threat. Although the window is quickly closing to prevent a drastic shift in our climate, we do have the power to adapt and slow the effects of our planet's changing atmosphere. Shifting our energy production to responsible renewable energy and improving mass transportation in our cities are important steps we can take in the right direction.

Nevada currently has 33% of our state's electricity needs met by renewable energy. Our state is listed number one for solar energy development potential, and ranks number two in geothermal energy production. Our state is also home to the nation's second largest hydroelectric dam, the Hoover Dam, that currently accounts for 5% of Nevada's electricity production (though this production is under threat due to climate change induced drought).

Now is the time to heavily invest in our nation's renewable energy production and Nevada is primed to become a leader in this fast growing, emerging market. The Nevada Wildlife Federation is committed to ensuring this renewable energy development takes place, and happens in a manner that works for wildlife and habitat.